Tuesday, May 13, 2014

#TuesdayTen: Things I Love About Moms

I'm celebrating motherhood all week this week on my blog and today's #TuesdayTen is about moms too. I wrote a post a few years ago for my mom's birthday entitled 70 Things I Learned From my Mom.  Obviously those things are all still valid. For today I want to split my list up and tell you 5 things I love about my mom and 5 things I love about being a mom myself.

My Mom

1. I call my mom almost every day on my lunch break. There are some days that she answers and we chat. They are other days that she doesn't answer because she's at daily Mass, or out to lunch with friends, or (my favorite) taking the elderly ladies to the grocery store! Whichever kind of day it is, I love knowing that my mom is always there for the most important people in her life!

2. My mom was a nurse for many years. She helped delivered more babies than I can possibly count. When she retired, she joined the Coast Guard Auxiliary. What ever she's doing, she has always been helping people.

3. My mom raised three pretty awesome kids (IMHO). I think she's a great mom because she's given advice, held her tongue, offered assistance and let us mess up. I'm we've each given her more than a handful of sleepless nights, but through all of it, we've always known that she loves us. No matter what!

4.  My mom comes from a family of six kids. To this day she is still very close to her brothers and sisters.  Despite the fact that they all live in Alaska and she's here in Virginia, she keeps in touch with through regularly through phone calls, Facebook, and emails.  She is a great sister!

5. On the other end of the spectrum, my mom is a great grandmother! She loves having the kids come visit. She makes the effort to drive up here and see the kids whenever she can.  There's a hotel the kids refer to a "Grandma's Hotel." My parents stay at that particular one because it has a pool and the kids can go swimming when they visit (in warm weather). When the kids go to her house, she stocks up on all their favorites: Sugar cereal, juice boxes, brightly colored yogurt, and applesauce.  And then she and my dad take the kids out in the garden to pick fresh veggies and raspberries. My kids are lucky to have such involved grandparents!!


Why do I love being a mom?? I'm glad you asked!

1. My kids are fun to be around. I've mentioned before that they are funny. We are a funny family (looks not withstanding). We tell stupid jokes together. We have inside jokes that no one else understands.  I love having that bond with my kids.

2. They are smart!  They are getting to that stage where you can have actual conversations with them about things other than cartoon characters. And they figure things out that just amaze me!  Last week Henry found three robin's eggs while we were walking home. He looked at me and said, "Mommy, I think that must mean there is a nest around here somewhere."  I was impressed with his logic and reasoning.

3. I am forming the next generation. It's a daunting task!!  I'm not perfect at it, but I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far. I have good evidence to believe that my kids are growing up to be non-jerks!  That gives me hope for the future,

4. I am passing on my faith.  I love sharing that with my kids, whether it be teaching Sunday School, leading a group at Vacation Bible School, or answering their questions about life. I enjoy passing on my faith and values to my kids.  Last week at breakfast Henry asked why "some people in Bible pictures have round thingies on their heads and some have fire on them."  I started to answer, but Frances beat me to it.  She explained Saints and apostles and the Holy Spirit in a way that floored me! Her answer was WAY better than mine would have been.

5.  Co-parenting is a fun challenge. The kids aren't just mine. They are part me and part Ken. I get to know him better through parenting. It's fascinating to see which pieces of them are from me and which are from him. And then together we ponder where some of the really strange characteristics come from!

What's your take on motherhood? Have a mom you want to honor? Want to brag about being a mom? Go ahead in the comments, or link up your own post below!

Your Tuesday Ten hostesses are:

The Teacher Wife

Meet our co-host for the month of May, Mrs. Tee!!

Please make sure to check out her blog and follow her on social media!
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