Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ben's Star Wars Birthday Party

Benjamin turned 4 last Monday, but we had to put off his birthday party because of other things going on. When I realized that his party would fall on May the fourth, I decided I had no choice but to go with a Star Wars theme! The party turned out to be fun, but we had an intense wind blowing throughout the afternoon. I didn't even get the chance to take many pictures because I was so busy holding everything down!!

The cupcakes flipped over and icing got smeared all over inside the containers. The pizza boxes flew off the tables and we lost a whole pepperoni pizza. Please join me in a moment of silence for that downed pizza. LOL!

I made light sabers out of pool noodles, duct tape and electrical tape.  They were a big hit! Literally!! The made some fun labels for our drinks and the drinks win the prize for the only thing that actually stayed on the table during the wind gusts.

In the end, we all laughed a lot, chased stuff across the pavilion, and had a great time celebrating Benjamin's fourth on the fourth! May the fourth be with you always!

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